Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time Travel

If I could go back in time, I'd go back to the late 1840's or early 1850's. Out of all our history, I find that time period the most interesting because of one thing-Gold Rush!! I read a (fictional) book on this kid and butler who travel to California in search of gold, and was very interested in the time period since. I've also been to some historic land marks from back then, and found it really interesting. If time machines where invented, then I'd love to go back to the gold rush period.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Bowl

To me, the super bowl sounds like a brand of cereal. Sort of like Cheerios, but not really. Just little round pieces of sugar coated goodness. Imagine just tasting a way too much sweetness, a whole lot, and then imagine your milk turning green from all the green colored sugar and artificial flavoring. Taste it already? Pretty disgusting. That’s the image of super bowl cereal I always think of. I’d rather think of something more like Fruit Loops or Cookie Crisp. Somthing that has a good taste to it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Invention

My invention to make the world a better place would be markers that don’t make that annoying noise that some tech lit. teachers like to make. I don’t know how I would do it, but I’m sure that a scientist could help me figure out how to make it. The reason why I want to invent that is because some immature teachers like to take their markers and make a super obnoxious nosies with them, taking the class of task and make a weenie out of himself. One other good part about it is that some nerdy computer teachers are always telling us to be quite, but are here making there own noises.