Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Even after hearing many things about the San Jose Sharks, I've never went to a game or seen them play. I know there the local sports team, but I just don't have much of an interest in hockey, or other sports teams at all (excluding high school sports.) I just never got into the "professional" sport teams. I don't know if I ever will or not, but theres not much I can do about it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Revenge...muh ha ha ha ha................

Revenge- It can mean many different things for many different people. This kind of revenge that I’m about to mention is the kind where you are super mad at someone, and just want a quick way to relieve some of that anger. It’s not always the smartest thing to do, but it sure helps you feel better (at least wt the time you think of it!!) One of the meanest revenges I ever did was when I took a picture I had of my (former) friend and made them look like a devil and a few other things. It completely sent her off the wall and (at the time) it felt sooooo good so see them like that. But now that things have settled down, I realize that it wasn’t really the best thing to do, and now I feel bad about it. Lesson learned......

Monday, April 25, 2011

Worst Thing I've Done To Someone

As far as I can remember, I haven't done anything super terrible to someone that it's gonna haunt me, but I've done smaller things...I guess the worst I've done was just calling a friend a nickname too many times, but that was a while ago and I don't remember much except we where able to forget about it and move on.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I think I’m kind of a take charge person. I think I’m a pretty good leader, but I don’t know exactly what other people think of me. Some people think I’m a good leader, some people think I goof around a lot. It really depends on who is being asked and what the environment around me is like. It all depends on the people and situation at hand. I think I’ve got multiple personalities, for different situations.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break

This week for spring break, I don’t know what to do. I might go to Great America with my friends, but I might not. One friend doesn’t have access to his emails, and his phone is disconnected, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to talk to him over spring break. But I do know that I’ll enjoy the break from alg. 1 and all the other boring classes I don’t like. I don’t want to do much, just hang out with some friends and stuff. Maybe read a few books, play The Sims 3 for a bit. Stuff like that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A dark and stormy night

One dark and stormy night, a tech lit student was trying to write a blog story for his teacher. The topic was something very boring: a dark stormy night. The student didn’t know what to write, so he started writing about a student trying to write a blog topic. The student thought and thought, trying to make sense of this odd assignment. He rambled and rambled, trying to waste space and meet the 100 word requirement. He tried to think of something clever that would waste time and fill up the box. Time went by slowly, and he considered doing something in Photoshop. But then he got 100 words and quit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Battle of the classes is an interesting event. None of my other schools even came close to having an event like it. I think it will be a fun event for everyone to battle out which class is the best (which we all know is the class of 2014) and try to outwit each other. This really gets interesting when everyone starts getting desperate to win and start messing with each other. Being freshmen, our class usually gets a lot of BS and gets constantly messed with. Overall, it is a very fun week for students and staff on campus.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tech Lit. Class

Tech lit. class is nice because no notes are required, and it's easy. Although, it does get quite obnoxious having to do some of the same repetitious work for a few days or so. I don't fancy having to do something I know a few dozen times. I do think it is funny though, when some of the students wind Mr.Perazzo up, making him unleash his sarcastic remarks. The work does get kinda boring, but it could still be worse. Overall, it's a nice class, but I'm looking forward to taking digital media next year.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


When I arrived at high school I didn't know what to expect. I soon found out when I almost fell asleep in algebra, and heard my English teacher swear at the class. I also had a crazy time finding the classes in the jungle of hallways and lockers, almost getting lost. It was a crazy day, but now I'm prepared for it and am having a good time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time Travel

If I could go back in time, I'd go back to the late 1840's or early 1850's. Out of all our history, I find that time period the most interesting because of one thing-Gold Rush!! I read a (fictional) book on this kid and butler who travel to California in search of gold, and was very interested in the time period since. I've also been to some historic land marks from back then, and found it really interesting. If time machines where invented, then I'd love to go back to the gold rush period.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Bowl

To me, the super bowl sounds like a brand of cereal. Sort of like Cheerios, but not really. Just little round pieces of sugar coated goodness. Imagine just tasting a way too much sweetness, a whole lot, and then imagine your milk turning green from all the green colored sugar and artificial flavoring. Taste it already? Pretty disgusting. That’s the image of super bowl cereal I always think of. I’d rather think of something more like Fruit Loops or Cookie Crisp. Somthing that has a good taste to it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Invention

My invention to make the world a better place would be markers that don’t make that annoying noise that some tech lit. teachers like to make. I don’t know how I would do it, but I’m sure that a scientist could help me figure out how to make it. The reason why I want to invent that is because some immature teachers like to take their markers and make a super obnoxious nosies with them, taking the class of task and make a weenie out of himself. One other good part about it is that some nerdy computer teachers are always telling us to be quite, but are here making there own noises.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Around The World

If I could go anywhere in the world, I'd want to go to Australia. I'd like to bring my friends Patrick and Quincey. I'd want to bring Patrick because we've been best friends for a while and I don't get to see him much now because he's at Wilcox. I'd bring Quincey because he's a lot of fun to hang out with. I chose Australia because a while ago, I did a research project for Freshman Foundations and Australia appealed the most, because of all it's attractions. There isn't really many other places outside of America that appeal to me, and I'd like a trip like this because I could go anywhere in California pretty easily and I'd like to do something I haven't yet. I haven't even been out of the country yet! It's a trip I really wish to go on one day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Antarctica Summer

My summer in Antarctica never happened. The plane got stuck at the airport, and I was super bored. The plane had problems with the rudders and the weather was very poor. I would have gone to see the polar bears, see the penguins, and throw snow and ice at random cars, creating traffic jams. I would then throw some more snow and ice at whatever I see, maybe even a tech teacher....This trip would have been fun, cold, and expensive. It is actually a good thing the plane broke down, as it would have been expensive.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jack in the box

Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box. Jack In The Box.